
Culture Lights training for White-Collar professionals

Culture Lights training for White-Collar professionals: “Illuminazione ecosostenibile per edifici storici e di interesse culturale” (Italian language course)

CultureLights partners, ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance and Melting Pro, are organizing a comprehensive Vocational Educational Training (VET) curricula tailored to the needs of lighting and building professionals. This program, titled “Illuminazione ecosostenibile per edifici storici e di interesse culturale”, focuses on the preservation and sustainability of cultural heritage buildings, with a specific emphasis on lighting.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Architects, engineers, lighting designers and employees of lighting industry companies.

COURSE DETAILS: The course consists of 4 lessons (8 modules + 1 final workshop “lighting project”), starting on 19.09.2024. The lessons will be conducted in person in Italian at the ELCA office, located at Via dei Marcello 13/11, 35017 Piombino Dese (PD).


  • Design and install sustainable lighting systems that preserve the cultural value of buildings
  • Enhance collaboration between construction and renovation professionals and the employees/users of cultural heritage buildings
  • Promote sustainable behaviors and lifestyles in building conservation and energy efficiency strategies

Participants who complete the training by attending all sessions and successfully passing the evaluation quizzes will receive a certificate of participation.

For more information visit or contact Marta Krakowiak at